On-Site Solar Generation

Your business may be interested in energy conservation and solar energy opportunities for a number of reasons. When evaluating if a solar photovoltaic (“solar PV”) project may be right for your organization, there are many variables that will need to be considered. For this reason, it helps to work with an unbiased solar energy company to help make decisions about your solar project. Power Management will help you to understand your solar technology choices, locating your solar PV array and coordinating how it will be installed and maintained. Furthermore, we will develop a turn-key solar plan, seek funding opportunities, provide insight on state and federal tax incentives available, and ensure your solar PV project is a success.

Ground Mount Solar Project

Power Management Company provided a turn-key solution including finance, design, construction, operations and maintenance at a cost that was lower than Stonehill’s current electricity rate.  PMC identified the optimal solar developer to design and install the project and financier that will own and maintain the system hosted by the college. The Power Management team also worked with both the utility and the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities to gain approval to move forward

2.7 MW

System Specs

2,790,000 kWh

Annual System Production

4,726,000 fewer lbs

of carbon dioxide emitted

9,000 ground

Mounted PV modules over 15 acres

Why Power Management

Since 1997, Power Management has guided business professionals with evaluating the most advantageous energy opportunities for their organization. Our expertise and guidance for solar PV projects are no exception. With the help of PMC, a custom solution will be carefully planned and designed to achieve your business’ energy goals.

Turn-Key Project

Our process includes research, recommendation and implementation for a seamless project from conceptual design through installation and project commissioning.

Real Results

Power Management will develop a solar PV strategy that allows you to gain control of energy prices and reduce power consumption by onsite or offsite renewable power generation. Any solar PV project PMC installs can be monitored on a real-time basis and track the performance for your business.

Enhancing your Corporate Image

As you take measures to reduce your corporate footprint and lessen the stress on the grid, PMC can help you develop tools to promote this positive PR to benefit your business.


  • Sustainability is very much part of our strategic mission and we are alert to new opportunities. Our solar field is expected to save the college over $185,000 per year, and up to $3.2 million over the course of its 15‐year contract. Power Management Co. has been instrumental in bringing our solar program to fruition.

    Craig Binney
    Associate Vice President for Finance and Operations, Stonehill College

Why should I explore solar?

It’s helpful to understand your energy conservation goals by evaluating them internally or with the help of Power Management to maximize your project’s success. Your company may be considering a renewable energy project for many different reasons including:

  1. Financial
  • Energy cost savings
  • Stabilize energy bills
  • Peak demand reduction
  • Hedge against future energy cost increases

Installing a solar array can not only help reduce your monthly energy expenses, but provide you with long-term stabilization and independence from volatile energy markets. Depending on project size and scope, a solar PV system can provide a significant portion of the energy your business needs. Renewable energy incentives are available, and we’ll help you take advantage of federal and state funding and tax incentive programs.

  1. Practical
  • Onsite energy generation for reliability and price security
  • Use of unused available natural resources

Power Management’s experts will work with you to provide all practical and available options to fit your unique needs. No project is the same. Taking advantage of unused roof space or land to create clean energy is progressive and attainable.  You can create and provide power locally which helps relieve pressure on the utility grid and improves your electric load profile.

  1. Sustainable
  • Reduce environmental impacts
  • Meet corporate energy sustainability goals
  • Leverage positive branding

Sustainability means doing more with less today so the needs of future generations are not compromised.  Solar is clean and 100% renewable and our solution is as beneficial for your company as it is for our environment.  Your company may want to lead by example by implementing solar and reducing carbon emissions. Communicating the energy conservation measure your company has taken, how much carbon dioxide emissions will be displaced by the power you are generating by solar may be a good PR tool. Many of your customers will be impressed by the steps you have taken to protect the environment. A solar project supports the growth of energy independence and corporate responsibility while reducing your carbon footprint.

Types of Solar to Consider

Exploring solar energy companies for your business to evaluate can be overwhelming. The type of array that your solar PV project is designed with can be determined by factors such as available space, payback, and incentives which can ultimately impact the solar energy price. With so many variables and options to consider, Power Management will work with your organization to develop a customized solution that is best suited to your business.



The most common type of solar PV system installed is a rooftop mounted solar array. One reason is that rooftops arrays use the existing building structure and electrical system which offers a more cost-effective method, as additional materials may be required for ground mount or carport solar facilities. However, it is important to keep in mind the condition and age of the roof you are looking to evaluate for solar. In order to avoid having to remove the solar array when the life of the roof expires, it is important to ensure the life expectancy of the roof is 25+ years and these variables are considered before the array is installed.


Ground Mount

Ground mounted solar arrays are the next most common choice for solar. With a ground mount, the most obvious difference is no changes to the existing rooftop are necessary.  Maintenance on the system tends to be relatively easy as you can walk right up to the array and navigate around without any issues. Another consideration is the size of the system you are looking to install.  Depending on the amount of unused land, you can install a much larger PV system and generate higher savings if you have a large area of unused land that your roof could otherwise not accommodate.



Solar carports or canopies not only produce renewable energy but also provide covered parking underneath. These free-standing, raised structures, shade cars from elements in various seasons and climates such as hot sun and winter weather. Solar carports and canopies are growing in popularity especially on college campuses and office parks, but tend to be the most expensive type of solar.

Community Solar

Community solar is a state-led program that gives consumers access to the benefits of solar energy without having to install panels on their property. The electricity produced is tracked, metered, and translated into a monetary credit. The credits are applied to your utility bill, reducing your total costs.




In an effort to encourage companies to pursue energy conservation, there are federal, state and local incentives for business looking to designate themselves as renewable energy companies. The federal commercial Investment Tax Credit (ITC), is the biggest incentive currently available.  This credit of 30% is available for projects completed through the end of 2019. Below is a year by year reduction in the ITC that may influence your decision to explore an energy conservation project sooner rather than later.

Year ITC Percentage
2019 30%
2020 26%
2021 22%
After 2021 10%

In addition to the federal Investment Tax Credit, PMC can help navigate other state and local incentives that may be available to help reduce your initial investment and improve your solar PV economics.



If you’re going to explore energy conservation opportunities, it’s important to work with an experienced guide. Power Management will work with your organization to provide a plan that shields you from rising electric costs.  We will be with you every step of the way.  From start to finish, our team of experts will conduct research on your specific project, provide recommendations based on our experience and your sustainability goals, and seamlessly follow the project through to the final implementation stages.

Case Studies

A Trusted Energy Management Partner for EMS and Sensata

Since 2010, Power Management has been providing EMS and Sensata with a range of strategic energy solutions. This includes energy risk and cost management consultation, LED lighting solutions, and EV charging installation. Power Management’s strategic guidance and technical expertise have been instrumental in helping these companies optimize their energy usage and lower their operating expenses.

By partnering with Power Management, EMS and Sensata have made meaningful progress towards their sustainability goals. The implementation of LED lighting has resulted in significant reductions in energy consumption and maintenance costs. Additionally, the deployment of EV charging stations has supported the transition to electric vehicles, further advancing their environmental responsibility initiatives. 

Power Management’s holistic approach to energy management has enabled EMS and Sensata to operate more efficiently while also promoting greater sustainability across their operations.


Since partnering with Power Management Company, ESL has made significant strides in sustainable energy efficiency and cost savings. The collaboration began with a thorough analysis of ESL’s energy goals, which included optimizing energy purchases, controlling costs, achieving long-term pricing certainty, upgrading facility lighting, and exploring solar energy solutions.

Power Management’s strategic guidance and technical expertise have been instrumental in achieving these goals. ESL’s facilities underwent extensive LED lighting upgrades and the installation of solar arrays, significantly enhancing energy efficiency and reducing consumption.

Through these strategic implementations, PMC has provided ESL with practical energy solutions and a new perspective on managing energy costs sustainably. This holistic approach has enabled ESL to operate more efficiently and sustainably, marking significant progress in their long-term sustainability goals.


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