Electricity Markets
After weeks of downward movement, the electric ISO’s experienced some upward pressure over the report week.
Likewise, the arrival of more seasonable weather also created some upward movement for the day-ahead market.
Natural Gas Markets
Both the NYMEX and Algonquin Basis natural gas prices rose as July marched on. With a high probability of above-normal temperatures predicted for the Northeast and Midwest in the coming weeks, upward pressure on prices will likely continue to persist as a result of increased demand for cooling.
Six-Month Natural Gas Futures
Futures as of 7/10/2019 versus previous week:
Aug-19 |
$2.453 |
+$0.035 |
Sep-19 |
$2.434 |
+$0.045 |
Oct-19 |
$2.464 |
+$0.049 |
Nov-19 |
$2.557 |
+$0.054 |
Dec-19 |
$2.730 |
+$0.046 |
Jan-20 |
$2.833 |
+$0.049 |
Natural Gas Inventory
Working gas in storage was 2,471 Bcf as of Friday, July 5, 2019. According to EIA estimates a net increase of 81 Bcf was reported from the previous week. The average rate of net injections into storage is 37% higher than the five-year average so far in the refill season!

The Baker Hughes exploration gas rig count decreased 2 rigs from last week for a total of 172 rigs. This is 17 less rigs than were in operation at this time one year ago when there were 189 rigs.
Weather Update
Above normal temperatures appear to persist for much of the CONUS through the middle to end of July. The Northeast and Midwest especially should expect to see some summer heat.
National Weather Service Updates (NOAA)
Hurricane Watch- No Hurricane Activity
Click here to view the National Hurricane Center site.
Equatorial Pacific Outlook:
Click here to view La Nina and El Nino status.
Energy News
FERC rejects PJM tariff proposal to require year-round demand response resources
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on Friday rejected tariff revisions proposed by PJM Interconnection to require demand resources be available year-round.
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